Friday, March 30, 2012

Hi :)

Blogging is something I (Meghan) have enjoyed doing over the past few years, but something I also really stink at being consistent at. So, my hope is that creating and writing a blog with the love of my life might help challenge me to be a little more dedicated to the blogging world. When Drew told me he wanted to do this together, it made me so excited! This will be a neat way to share our ideas, thoughts, and areas we're learning and growing in as individuals and as a couple. So fun!

A little bit about me...I love life and the Giver of life. I am a follower of the Way and a beloved child of God. I am a random person and a little crazy at times. I enjoy laughing and making others laugh. Smiling is my favorite. I am thankful for Jesus' joy that lives in me. Most of my friends are 4 and 5 years old because I'm a preschool teacher. I have a passion for children with special needs. I jump on any opportunity that comes my way for an adventure and I believe traveling the world is something God used in my life to mold my character. I will never turn down a cup of coffee, a piece of chocolate, or a funfetti cupcake. Sweet tea is my jam. I love playing guitar and singing praises to the Lord. Deep conversations and meaningful talks are my favorite pastime. I love a good worship/jam session. I enjoy a good book every now and then. Running and I have a love-hate relationship. I love the color yellow, but orange is really growing on me. My favorite outfit to wear is a sundress and cowboy boots. I'm pretty much an open book, so if you want to know more, you need only ask.

My prayer is for this blog to encourage you, challenge you, and inspire you. Thank you for taking the time to read! Enjoy :) 

"Now to Him is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power within us." Ephesians 3:20

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Who Am I?

Meghan the other day told me she wanted to start blogging.  First thought was "Blogs are so 10 years ago"  Then I realized I read probably 5 to 10 blogs a day.  I have an opinion about everything so why not share them with all of you.  So we decided to share a blog.  This will be cool for you and us to see the difference between thoughts of a male and female in a relationship.  It will be sweet to come back and look at these post the older me and Meghan get and see how we have changed over the years.  

I(Drew) can't speak for Meghan but my blogs are going to be very random and cover many different things.  Do not be surprised if you are offended but please don't take anything personally.  I do enjoy asking hard questions even if I do not believe in the side I am taking.  I think it is important to find truths out for yourself and not go by something someone has told you.  The majority of my posts will probably be on my walk with Christ, my relationship with Meghan and my love for sports.  I am very passionate about all three.  

Who am I?  I am a follower of The Way.  I am a disciple of Jesus Christ.  I am a fiancĂ©.  I am a son.  I am a brother.  I am a business owner (Sunset Slush of WB).  I am a Panthers, Lakers, Tar Heel and a Braves Fan.  I am a college graduate.  I am a movie lover and a Anchorman fanatic.  I am a bad speller. I am a nobody trying to make The Somebody famous.

Please feel free to comment, ask questions and even debate with me.  Hopefully Meghan will be posting soon.