Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Who Am I?

Meghan the other day told me she wanted to start blogging.  First thought was "Blogs are so 10 years ago"  Then I realized I read probably 5 to 10 blogs a day.  I have an opinion about everything so why not share them with all of you.  So we decided to share a blog.  This will be cool for you and us to see the difference between thoughts of a male and female in a relationship.  It will be sweet to come back and look at these post the older me and Meghan get and see how we have changed over the years.  

I(Drew) can't speak for Meghan but my blogs are going to be very random and cover many different things.  Do not be surprised if you are offended but please don't take anything personally.  I do enjoy asking hard questions even if I do not believe in the side I am taking.  I think it is important to find truths out for yourself and not go by something someone has told you.  The majority of my posts will probably be on my walk with Christ, my relationship with Meghan and my love for sports.  I am very passionate about all three.  

Who am I?  I am a follower of The Way.  I am a disciple of Jesus Christ.  I am a fiancé.  I am a son.  I am a brother.  I am a business owner (Sunset Slush of WB).  I am a Panthers, Lakers, Tar Heel and a Braves Fan.  I am a college graduate.  I am a movie lover and a Anchorman fanatic.  I am a bad speller. I am a nobody trying to make The Somebody famous.

Please feel free to comment, ask questions and even debate with me.  Hopefully Meghan will be posting soon.

1 comment:

  1. Just read your first one! To bad I already knew almost all of this before lol. But with they way I know u think and like to argue ur side of view, I'm sure the future ones will be interesting! Good luck with it!
